Minerva AI Sales Training Simulator

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About Product

An end-to-end application that combines your leads and sales materials to create a compelling pitch for training sales representatives. The idea is to go from lead to landing sales fast by predicting and planning for any sales situation.

Our Technology

Designed in collaboration with a top pedagogical research lab, I designed an AI agent that synthesizes information from two data sources: lead database, and sales document. These information then gets used to initialize two AI agents: salesperson and the lead. Hundreds of conversations with different parameters (levels of technical understanding, budget constraints, etc.) is simulated, which helps identify different scenarios of synergy and areas of concern, which is used to effectively prepare sales-reps with appropriate information. Additionally, we offer a feedback system that can be used both by AI and human sales mentors, who can review and give feedback on practice sales sessions.

Minerva Features 1


Minerva is in the design stage working with a couple of salesforces around the world that are using Minerva to consistently improve their sales capabilities.

Minerva Features 2


If you are interested in trying out Minerva, and/or have a conversation about how we can make the software work for you, please email Taichi, the developer of Minerva: taichi@minervai.co